
Presentation as the main role on the image

Originality is rare these days in the art world but I am pleased to report that I’ve stumbled upon an artist whose work is both innovative and modern. Sonia Rentsch is an Australian still life fine artist that crafts clever concepts into deceptively effortless scenes. She has a keen eye for detail and a penchant for the idiosyncratic. I have never heard about her before but thanks to the lecture on the 28/01/2014 I got to know about her. I just fell in love with all of her works from the first sight. I would like to share with you my favourite images.

What do I like about them? Primarily the way how all those things on the images are presented. Thanks to deep research about her works I have learnt that things on the image are less important than colours, presentation and composition. I have learnt that LESS CAN BE MORE.

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