

As I was planning to produce some accessories from fruits I had to use some of them for my customising project. My main inspiration for one of my image was Kobi Levi who produced shoes from banana peels. I decided to make something like this but in totally different way.
I would like to show you how I produced my banana shoes. So i bought a pair of heels in H&M in grey colour.
Simple grey heels from H&M for only 6£

 To make my customising process easier I used drawing pins to produce my banana shoe. I sticked them around my shoe because I wanted to put the banana peel on it

Customizing Step 2 

Then I decided to stick the banana peel to my shoe.

It took me ages to stick banana peel to the shoe. It was really hard work. Every time I was sticking the peel to the shoe it was changing the colour for brown so I decided to paint it.

 To make my shoes more interesting I decided to add something to them as I didn't want my shoe to look boring. I decided to stick the plum on the top of the shoe. I painted this plum with blue paint. My main inspiration for it was Vivienne Westwood shoe collections which present a lot of designs like this.

I really wanted to make shoes which look like banana so on the top of my shoe I sticked end-piece of banana.


Backstage images
 To sum up: My main inspiration of those shoes was Kobi Levi who is a shoe designer. His banana shoe design inspired me to produce something like this. Another designer who inspired me was Vivienne Westwood who designed many pairs of shoes with the ball on the top. I decided to produce everything in pastels as I was inspired by main S/S 14 trend which are pastels. I added to my picture real banana as I wanted it to look like human legs.

The process of handbag customisation

The second accessory I chose for my project was handbag which I bought in Zara for this project. It really inspired my as it is in pastels. Another thing is the shape of it which is trendy in current collections.

For the customisation process I used banana peel as well. I sticked the banana peel round the handles. I really wanted it to look like a leather piece which is very fashionable.

To sum up: My main inspirations for it were S/S 2014 trends: pastels and leather.

The customising process of ring.

Massive rings are very fashionable this season so I decided to use this trend for my project. I bought a ring in H&M for only £2 and I decided to customise it somehow by myself.

As my idea was to use fruits, leftovers etc. for purpose of fashion I had to customise my ring somehow with fruit. I decided to use for it banana as well. I didn't want to spend much money for different kind of fruits as the main idea was about making accessories from leftovers. To be very experimental I decided to freeze banana in water.

I cut the piece of ice with banana and I sticked it to my ring. This is the final effect

I wanted to create something different and original for my final image.
As you know in previous image I used fresh bananas to make them look like legs. Now I decided to use fresh banana to make it look like human finger with rings on it. To produce something like this I used a wire to pass through the banana. In free spaces I put some rings.

Some backstage images


The final effect.

 To sum up: My main inspirations were current trends: pastels and massive rings.

As we had to customise 4 accessories I had do source another one. After a long research on S/S 2014 trends I decided to use hoop earrings and customise them somehow with fruits. I was inspired mainly by pastels so I painted fruits in pastels.

The final effect of fruits

 As the main idea for my project was to use fruits for purpose of fashion I had to customise earring with fruits. I bought a pair of earrings in Primark for £2 and I used clementines to customise them


Painting clementines
When clementines got dry I sticked them to earrings.
This is the final effect.

 To sum up: My main inspirations for it were: hoop earrings trend and pastels.

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